
Browse Plus 10Kg

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Browse Plus is a specialised formula to enhance the animal?s digestive process, resulting in more nutrient utilisation. Designed as a drinking water or in feed / lick additive for cattle, goat, sheep and game.

Browse Plus is particularly useful under dry conditions, or when grazing is poor. It is normally during these drier times, that the condition of the livestock deteriorates even though there’s still a substantial amount of nutrients available in the surroundings. Most of the nutrients is in the form of browse and less palatable grasses.

In dry conditions when grazing is limited and the food resources become depleted, the livestock are faced with several problems. In dry conditions animals are forced to supplement their food by browsing. When leaves are ingested, certain chemicals within the leaves affect the digestive process, causing health problems. Browse Plus then assists with.

Polyethylene glycol 930 g / kg, excipients 70 g / kg (polyvinylpyrrolidone/calcium hydroxide/dry powdered molasses).

Directions for use:
1 – 4 grams per animal per day, depending on the vegetation being eaten and animal species.

Weight 10500 g
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